The Chinese wealth ship is one of the most popular symbols in Feng Shui and is commonly found in homes, businesses, and workplaces of rich and successful people in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia.
Many people believed that the Chinese wealth ship can help boost the owner’s wealth fortune and career success, as well as protecting the business from bad luck and competitors.
They come in various different models and are made of various different materials, and the Chinese Wealth Ship can also be combined with various other Feng Shui cures including the red envelope, Chinese lucky coins, golden ingots, and more.
Here, we will discuss all you need to know about the Chinese wealth ships from their origin, meaning, and how to use it as a Feng Shui cure.
Origin and Meaning of Chinese Wealth Ship
In the Chinese culture (and many other cultures as well), a sailing ship is a symbol of abundance, especially in Chinese culture with the belief that winds and waters are the bringers of wealth and luck. Thus, the Chinese Wealth Ship in Feng Shui has a similar meaning: representing the wealth energy, and abundance sailing into your life.
In fact, there are many people that use more than one Chinese wealth ship to create multiple streams of income.
The Chinese wealth ship is arguably the most well-known Feng Shui symbol in Chinese culture, probably only second to the dragon. In ancient China, ships were the main transportation method for treasures and gold. This is why ships are taken as a popular symbol of wealth and abundance.
Back in the 18th and 19th centuries, there are many Chinese ships returning to China after victorious endeavors, carrying gold, pieces of jewelry, and treasures. As a Feng Shui cure or enhancer, the Chinese wealth ship is believed to bring wealth luck, and long-term prosperity.
The wealth ship ornaments are typically laden with gold coins and/or gold ingots as well as other wealth symbols like jewels, precious stones, and so on. How the sails, water, and wind also have their meanings, as well as the orientation (more on this further below)
Take a look at these “Wealth Ship” designs –

Chinese Wealth Ship Feng Shui Placement
In placing the Chinese wealth ship as a Feng Shui cure, we have to consider not only the placement but also the orientation.
Placement is very important for a Chinese wealth ship in order to get its benefits both as a wealth charm and also as a protection ward. In fact, if you can’t find ideal placement for the ship for one reason or the other, we’d recommend not placing it at all.
Wrong placement and/or orientation of the Chinese wealth ship might not only negate its positive benetifs, but might produce unwanted effects instead.
Here are some important principles in finding the right placement for your Chinese wealth ship:
- The most ideal placement for the Chinese wealth ship is the Feng Shui wealth location (财)) in your house and business:
- When looking into a room from the door facing in, the primary wealth location is the corner of the room that is positioned diagonally across from the door (if the door is positioned dead center, then it can be both corners)
- For your living room, this corner should be a right-angled wall with no doors or windows on it. Or else, it’s not a suitable location
- In cases where the primary wealth area is not a suitable location, then check the secondary wealth location (次财), which is the corner opposite of the primary wealth location
- You can place wealth ships in both corners if both are suitable locations
- Another good location is the sheng chi sector of the house. You should calculate your Feng Shui Kua number to find your sheng chi direction.
- The ship should be directed to sail into the house rather than facing the main door of your house, this is very important in symbolizing that the ship would be bringing wealth into the house rather than away from it
- You can place a Chinese wealth ship on your work desk while following the above principles. This placement will symbolize a smooth career journey without obstacles.
- Make sure the area where you place the wealth ship is properly lit and spacious enough. This symbolizes a bright future full of opportunities.
- If you have a retail business, displaying a wealth ship in your shop/business can aid in bringing more customers.
- Don’t place the wealth ship in the kitchen and bathroom, as it might attract bad luck instead
Related reading: “Chinese Good Luck Charms To Bring Good Fortune” –Opens in new tab
Buying Your Chinese Wealth Ship
When choosing between different ship models to use as a Feng Shui wealth ship, keep in mind that it should be designed as a Chinese trading cargo ship instead of warships (which are also quite common). So, it shouldn’t have guns or cannons.
You can choose a wealth ship with both metal and wood body, but if your Ba Zi has metal as your wealth element, you should consider getting a metal ship. You can choose any model you want and any size, but keep in mind that the larger the ship, you’ll need more space in your house to place it and you’ll need more wealth items’ to fill it.
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Here are some wealth items you can consider:
- Gold ingots
- Chinese/Feng Shui lucky coins
- Real gold
- Precious stones (jade is preferable but also other stones like onyx, sapphire, etc.)
- Jewelry
- Red envelopes filled with money
- Real money
For larger ships, you can also place bigger wealth ornaments like vases, gemstone globes, religious statues (Buddha statue, pagodas), and so on.
Some Feng Shui wealth ships are already crafted with merchants and sailors on them, but if not, you can buy these statues. You should, however, make sure at least one statue is there as the captain of the ship. You can choose statues of Feng Shui’s gods of wealth as the captain’ of the ship. (Related reading: Guan Gong the Chinese God of War and Wealth)
It is recommended to keep the ship from being stagnant, and you should add more wealth items regularly to symbolize the continual growth of your luck. Keep a habit of adding one coin or one gem every month.
Take a look at these “Wealth Ship” designs –

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